We celebration the season to spread more hope, peace, joy and love!



Greeting to you and your family  It is my hope that you all have "A Wonderful Day" 


But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:6 kjv And so, rather than just praying for deliverance for someone, that the powers of darkness be loosed and send forth, I would rather pray that the power of God come in. The other is forgone conclusion when that happens. But there is real danger for a person just coming to God just for the help that they might get. Coming just for healing, rather than the Healer. Just for deliverance, rather than the Deliverer. Because you can end up in worse shape than you ever were if you don't substitute or replace that power within your life, that empty area.

Success And Deliverance

Evangelical Ministry 

 Multipurpose & Multicultural Ministry

We offer a Bible Based, family Oriented ministry that encourages individual spiritual growth and development. 

Bishop Kelvin Dwayne Moore, Sr. 

Pastor/CEO 323-633-7747


A Celebration of our 32

years of ministry 2023

Steadfast and constant we turn to the 33rd year ahead, filled with awe and wonder and kept by His radiating love, reborn and renewed

~Yesterdays remembered and tomorrows praised.



                    click link 


Hold to the peace of Christ with a pure heart in praising God for deliverance. God doesn't tell you to thank Him for negative circumstances; He says to thank Him while you're in the midst of them. Doing this shows that you trust Him to bring you out. Praise is not just clapping your hands or applauding God. It is showing respect, honor, and gratefulness using your whole heart, mind, spirit and body despite your circumstances. – God will shake the foundation of your prison; your bondage, your problem…if you make a decision to praise and give Him thanks, no matter what.

A Welcome Message from Pastor Moore "Shepherd"

Welcome to the Success And Deliverance Evangelical Ministry website. I am glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our Ministry family. As I describe Success to people, I use words like ‘community’ and ‘family.’


We are a group of people committed to following Jesus. That means we worship him with vigor and joy. That means we encourage prayer in ministry and throughout life. That means we love people outside the ministry through generosity, invitation, and compassion.


Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed at Success. And once here, we pray that people will meet God and as a result of meeting God, give their lives to Jesus Christ. We want that for you. Come as you are. Check us out, but more importantly, seek the truth of God that can only be known when one knows Jesus.


While you are browsing our website, you will learn about our ministries and get a glimpse of who we are, but only a glimpse. To fully understand us, come to a worship service or to a small group and feel the up-close, in-person connection that comes when people share time together with the Holy Spirit present. Enjoy the website, then come. We’d love to meet you and know you.



  If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.1 Tim.3:1-7

Bishop Kelvin D. Moore, Sr. Pastor  

“The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock.

                                             I accept  The Shepherd's Rod and Staff  Link  

Shepherd's Mantle and Anointing

A shepherd's primary responsibility is the safety and welfare of the flock.


I believe every single one of us was born to wear some level of anointing and mantle.  All of us.  God is no respecter of persons so we all have a purpose and a position in life.


We should have both. And we should obey God’s spiritual laws that are in place by not cursing the person wearing the mantle or we will call judgement upon ourselves as we read before in Romans 13:1-7. 


In the culture of the Israelites, the rod (Hebrew: מַטֶּה‎ maṭṭeh) was a natural symbol of authority, as the tool used by the shepherd to correct and guide his flock (Psalm 23:4).


The duty of shepherds was to keep their flock intact, protect it from predators and guide it to market areas in time for shearing.


The staff and the rod are a part of the same tool, both working together in God's gentle hands to remind us of His everlasting faithfulness and love. As children of God, we can take a deep breath knowing He is always with us, always protecting us, always guiding us, and always offering us a place of peace and rest."They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. 


I believe that the total Ministry should be in order; God blesses things that are in order.


We are a tax exempt organization according to IRS non-profit laws and rules. 


We do not have Church Auxiliaries or Pastor's Aid Fundraising, nor do we engage in pulpit trading & swapping. 


Our fundraising and the like is in accordance with the IRS charitable choice. Our ministry do not raise money for personal gain “The IRS has ruled that raising donations for specific individuals is not allowed


We do have Pastor's, Staff Chief Financial Officer, Staff Secretary, Departments, Community Collaboratives, Charter Outreach Ministry, Ministries, Board Members and Trustees 


Our ministers are ordained by God and meets the IRS standards and bylaws scriptural conduct.


1. Be a Volunteer

2. Be a Financial Supporter

3. Donate for the


• Intervention

• Aftercare

4. Be a Community Representative

5. Sponsor a homeless person


 Response Team to community outreaches, churches and ministries.


MINISTRIES Staff Structure


Board of Trustees

The specific responsibilities of our staff is defined by their call at the local congregation, but frequently they assist with evangelism programs, youth and family ministry, member care, music ministries, congregational administration, and/or multicultural ministries. Our staff have also been called to work in non-ministry organizations such as Community Private and Faith Based Providers/Agencies, Evangelistic Evangelical Association.


Pastor passions earn finance in the form of gratuities “something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service especially”. Has the spiritual leaders of a congregation and who wear many hats, especially when ingrained in the community. Apart from leading worship services,  visiting the sick and officiating at weddings, baptisms, and funerals. Pastor do public speaking and serve as a counselor and conflict mediator. 


This ministry follows the scriptural  rules for becoming ordained as a bishop. A person seeking the position of bishop must not only have a strong relationship with God, but feel that he or she is meant to share his gifts and skills in that particular way. Bible college or theology education is not required. Generally, the title of bishop is only given to ministers who have served for many years.

         Written comments should be addressed to:

Success And Deliverance Evangelical Ministry

Success and Deliverance Evangelical Ministry is a place to connect, grow, and serve.

Spiritual gifts, heart passions, personality, and experience along with our walk with God define our ministry profile


Our Mission Statement

Enriching Minds, Developing Character, Impacting the World


What We Offer

Evangelism, Youth, Community Services, Outreach, Family Services





Incredible Ministry benefits for the local family & its active role in individual lives


1. Connects You as a Family

Family is the first place where children can find out about love, companionship and forgiveness. Parents can set children a good example of how to live a Christian life. Families can play an important role in the community. They can provide support for other families, care for the elderly, and adopt children. Romans 12:5


2. Marriage and family

Ministry reconnects us to our shared beliefs. It reinforces the higher philosophy and purpose behind marriage and family and it allows us a safe space to connect with God and our spouse together. Couples who attend services together are making time to reiterate the important foundations of their marriage. Ephesians 5:23-25



3. Individuality

None of us are immune to temptation. Given the right situation, you and I are capable of any sin. God knows this, so he has assigned us as individuals the responsibility of keeping each other on track. The Bible says, “Encourage one another daily ... so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” Hebrews 3:13


4. Teamwork & togetherness Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

5. Love for one another John 15:12 and in John 13:31-35

6. Teaching & encouraging 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

7. Service to others which moves you out of self-centered isolation 1 Corinthians 12:26

8. Faithful witness Matthew 5:16

8. Identifies you as a genuine Believer John 13:35

10. Helps you develop spiritual muscle Ephesians 4:16

11. Discover your spiritual gifts 1 Corinthians 12:7


The Bottom Line

You become a Christian by committing yourself to Christ, but you become a ministry member by committing yourself to a meaningful group of believers. The first decision brings salvation; the second brings ministry connection, growth, and serve.

► Join us for Worship

& Bible Study


Bible Study

 Enriching Your Experience with God's Word

                 Thursday Prayer Hour 7pm-8pm

Make Bible Study a lifetime practice. Gods’ most precious Word, that is real and relevant for your life now and forever!


Sunday 9 AM Led by intercessors

Conference Call Dial 1 605-562-0400   

When prompted   Access code: 4683839


 Sunday 10:30 am - 12:15 PM   

Worship in Spirit and Truth

True worship that is God-centered worship


In Him (Jesus Christ Our Lord) we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28

The Prayer Chain is a service for anyone wishing to utilize it.


"...The earnest heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working." James 5:16


Need help to navigate through the difficult times

For Spiritual Counseling On how to overcoming difficult times and people


That if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for by my father in heaven … Matthew 8:15 


God Bless Success Ministry Intercessors

• Men’s Ministry • Women’s Ministry
• Home Bible Fellowship • Hospital Visitation
• Children Ministry •  Discipleship

Ministerial Staff


Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.  Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.


These include both men and women preachers, teachers, singers, musicians, deacons, elders, and the like.

I trust God chooses me to make full proof of Success and Deliverance Evangelical Ministry for the office of the apostolic ministry to preach the gospel, defend the faith, administer the  ordinances. Do the work of an evangelist make full proof of the ministry.


We preach deliverance by faith in the word of God, the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


The Spirit of the Lord God Anointing to preach good tidings unto the meek; bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, opening of the prison to them that are bound; proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; them that mourn in Zion with the beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.


• Preaching with a spiritual vision Proverbs 29:18 “leads to process, and process will lead to a spiritual productive life.

• Preaching with meaning “awaken the soul to spiritual enjoyment” 

• Preaching with the anointing “the full force of God” 

• Preaching with spirit and  power

• Preaching about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ 

• Preaching the fire of God transformed us from a spiritual weakling to a powerful preacher.

• Preaching and teach of the glory and the glory of God will manifest the power of the Holy Ghost to set us free the fire God Set Me Free and doesn't give me tests, trials of tribulations it burns them off of us. 


Preach the gospel to the poor; heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to preach recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.



Gifts of the Spirit

I specify to God and allow him to teach and lead in the patterns and principles of the ministry of the Gifts of the Spirit In this way we multiply grace to the hearers and doers of God's word. 


1 Peter 4:11 “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”


Romans 12:6–8 Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership, Mercy


1 Corinthians 12:8–10 Word of wisdom, Word of knowledge, Faith, Gifts of healings, Miracles, Prophecy, Distinguishing between spirits, Tongues, Interpretation of tongues


1 Corinthians 12:28–30 Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Miracles, Kinds of healings, Helps,  Administration, Tongues


Ephesians 4:11 Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher


Celibacy in the bible

Celibacy is a voluntary vow of sexual abstinence. ... Celibacy looks different to each person, so there's no single way to practice it. You may kiss your partner provided it does not lead to sexual intercourse, Some people abstain from all sexual activity (including penetrative and non-penetrative sex), while others engage in things like outercourse (includes various forms of sexual and non-sexual activity, such as frottage, mutual masturbation, kissing, or cuddling.


Paul I wish that all men were even as I myself am. However, each has his own gift from God, one in this manner, and another in that” (1 Corinthians 7:7). Here, too, Paul is cautious to identify his gift and the benefits he sees in it as God’s command (7:6)


Remember King David?


God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, he will do everything I want him to do (Acts 13:22). Despite King David’s respectable traits, he wasn’t perfect.  He committed sins involving not only adultery, but murder! It’s important to remind ourselves that we all fall short of perfection in everything we do (Romans 3:23). That’s why God sent His only Son to take our place as payment for sin (John 3:16). 




The Bible is the revelation of God. 


Christianity originated with the ministry of Jesus

The KJV "works as both a word-for-word and sense-for-sense translation by Jesus Christ and his Apostles and accurately conveys the living message.


2 Timothy 3 Verses 16 to 17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


In it, we learn who God is, how to relate to him, what he requires, blesses and curses. This is important, because as the book of Genesis and Exodus demonstrate, there is only one God to whom we must respond and whom we cannot escape.


Holy Communion First Thursday Evening of the Month


Father, thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for what you did on the cross to allow us to have a relationship with you. Its origin in the Passover Meal which celebrates the ancient Hebrew escape and deliverance by God’s hand from bondage to freedom. It is a meal to which Jesus gave new meaning as he shared it with his disciples on the night before his crucifixion. The Lord's Supper wine obtained from grapes and intended for use in celebration,  It is usually consumed after sacramental bread. We offer both wine and grape juice for those who prefer to avoid drinking alcohol.


Christian Marriage



Getting married requires being wed by an officiant in many jurisdictions.


The purpose is of a Christian marriage is glorify God together in reflecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through the marriage relationship


Wedding applications are available in the ministry office. Couples must complete an application and meet with a pastor or elder before receiving approval for a wedding.


Outside ministers may participate in wedding ceremonies upon ministry approval.


CHRISTIAN biblical teaching on divorce and remarriage. God, the Creator of humanity and of marriage itself, has laid out His plan for marriage as a lifelong union.



Marriage is a legal union between two individuals 

We seek to love all people in Jesus’ name, pointing them towards Christ’s power to forgive and heal. 


2015 - The U.S. Supreme Court makes same-sex marriages legal in all 50 states in Obergefell v. Hodges. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_law_in_the_United_States_by_state


California does not recognize “common law marriage.” Even though California does not have common law marriages, unmarried couples who have been together for an extended period of time do still have some rights.


Romans 13:1-2 says: [1] Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. [2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.


The perfect imperfect mate



A soul mate is considered our “better half”: someone with whom we are connected on a spiritual level, where the relationship exists eternally. It’s like our best friend, our true love and our life partner are not three different people, but one single person, with whom each day is a bliss. Each morning is a blessing, each night advances in gratitude.


Christian Baptism


There are many reasons to be thinking about baptism and some of those reasons come from our past as well as tradition. Whatever the reason, we believe baptism to be a celebration - a great joy - to publicly state that you want your child / self to be connected to the ministry. We too celebrate your choice to follow this path. 



1. No one seriously seeking this holy sacrament of Jesus Christ will be turned away.

2. The Board of the ministry and the Minister have oversight of baptism.

3. Board is open and willing to baptize any adult who has been adequately prepared for this sacrament, or any child whose parent(s) or guardian(s) have been adequately prepared for the promises they must undertake.

4. Baptism is part of our regular Sunday morning worship service where the whole congregation can participate.

5. All baptisms will be presided over by our Minister unless arrangements are made for another minister to co-preside


In summary, baptism is a sign of new beginning, of new life on the journey of faith.



When a person requests that their child be baptized, we assume that God is calling not only the child, but the parent(s) into our fellowship. Therefore, our intention is to remove as many barriers to that as possible, while still maintaining the significance and integrity of the sacrament. We see this as an opportunity to assist in discovering what God has planned for their life and to help them on their spiritual journey.


When a child is baptized, the parent(s) make a vow to raise the child in the Christian life. Since we believe Christianity can only be lived out in the context of a Christian community, we would hope that every baptized child should be given the gift of growing up as part of a church.



When an adult is baptized, they are making a vow to live in the Christian life within the context of a Christian community. Since we believe Christianity can only be lived out in the context of a

congregation, we also believe that every baptized person should be given the gift of being part of a church. We would hope that each adult should be willing to commit to coming to worship, by being an active pat of the community of faith and growing their faith by participating in learning opportunities offered.







Those who request a baptism should expect to be adequately prepared which normally involves:


a) An appointment to meet with the Minister; and

b) One or two meetings with the Minister to discuss baptism, the vows and the service.




Many families choose to have godparents or sponsors (either term can be used) to stand with them.


Family, friends, or anyone you want to include for this special moment, will be welcome. Being a godparent carries no legal duties or religious responsibilities.


“I baptize you: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The candidate may be wholly or partly immersed in water, the water may be poured over the head, or a few drops may be sprinkled or placed on the head.


"I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Acts 2:3 – the “tongues of fire” that appeared at the “baptism of the Holy Ghost” Purifies: the Holy Spirit's fire cleanses us and makes us more like Jesus. We are His living sacrifices that is lit up by His fire! (Romans 12:1). 



What is meant by Holy Ghost fire?


In an objective sense, the Holy Ghost fire resonates as an exclamation, a cry, an expression of hope, a beckon of a child unto his Father, a stammer of a harassed and confused ward for help. One calls on Him for purification, healing, protection from evil, promotion and surrender.


God wants to burn off everything that holds you back from doing his will, whether it is oppression, depression, sickness or disease. In the Bible God calls those “weights” weights”slowed us down in our spiritual walk so it is hard to make any progress, 


The fire of God changes the course of a life; Moses was a person whom was dramatically change by the fire of God, in fact the whole course of his life was change when he came into contact with God's fire. It was the fire of God that change Moses from a Shepherd on the backside of a desert to a Deliverer of a Nation.

Exodus 3:1-17  - Moses and the Burning Bush

OUR MINISTRIES teaches and links families to the components that provide the opportunity for youth and adult to work together to escape poverty. We hope that our ministries and services will serve to bring people together with common needs and problems. And we together will find collective solutions.


Many families are affected do to the devastating import on crisis both children and family need the opportunities the ministry provide. Families with children are by most account among the fastest segment of this population.

God has given us our missions and ministries: To make all a time of Christian fellowship and teaching; Surround them in prayer. Get parental support and adult help.Our purpose is to fulfill Christ’s command to go (i.e. Matthew 25:35, 36) Our attitude is to be like Christ’s (Philippians 2:1-16). Our reward is in God’s hands (Matthew 6:1-4).

Community Outreach Collaborative Program

Books and Clothing Program

Back to School Supplies Program

Toy Distribution Program

Supplemental Food Operations Program

Convalescent Ministries Random Gifts of Kindness & Medical Equipment Distribution Program

Bridges Out of Poverty Fist Aid Kits

Homeless Care Kits

New Creature Prison Ministries

AIDS & HIV Ministries

Head to Toe Health Fair

Help All Nonprofit Conference

Face to Face Unique Networking Opportunity Job Fair

Disaster Relief Information Package

Emergency Resources & Survival Program "Charities and Organizations Paying Bills"

Campaign – Distribution of small household items

Engaging Ideas for Community Outreach Package

Family Education Forum on Mental Illness

Bridge the Gap Day Summit

Real Estate Donation Program

Center for Faith Based and Community Initiatives Program

County Community Enhancement Program

Crusades, Revivals and Fellowships

Grant Program - Connecting our Community with State Resources - Surplus Property Resources (Anyone can donate a used car, boat on a trailer or RV to this program).

Advocacy and Leadership (Family Connection) Community Churches Outreaches –for foster /adoptive or Parents of Children with Special Needs Distribution of Playground Equipment

Dollar A Mile Sponsors Distribution of hygiene products and toiletries

Community Public and Private Ministries & Caring for Family 


Access, Knowledge, Trust
As an ever-present and tangible manifestation of voluntary service and civic engagement in our society, faith-based communities are a part of every commu­nity – not apart from them. Yet we often overlook these communities as viable partners because of deeply ingrained lessons on the separation of church and state, codified by our founding fathers. They have significant competence and knowledge to contribute, born of a history of providing services and supports. They provide access to their communities – entrée for outsiders to the many cultures that make up our nation – because they are trusted. Many faith-based communities nurture core values of active citizenship, community self-reli­ance, and public spiritedness that are vital to building effective partnerships.


We are well positioned to focus on addressing the cross-cutting needs of low-income families. Our Office location/site(s) of service is accessible by public transportation. And people living outside the area are eligible for all Programs Free: some services range from low to no cost. We provide each Client with Bridge the Gap Coalition for the family Resource Package.


Healthy families are the foundation of a healthy society. ” IF WE CAN BE OF ANY ASSISTANCE TO YOU, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT US.