Christian Social Club Group 

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 Standing In the Winner's Circle 

For the month of January Loving Others 


Even though we were put here on this earth in different circumstances, we should not blame or ridicule one another because of that.


If you love someone of course you are going to be kind even when your angry, or at least that is what I think most of us try and do. We all make mistakes and the hope of the Gospel is that through the power of the atonement we are forgiven, and so we forgive others.


“When our positions do not prevail, we should accept unfavorable results graciously and practice civility with our adversaries. In any event, [even if we win the battle] we should be persons of goodwill toward all, rejecting persecution of any kind, including persecution based on race, ethnicity, religious belief or non belief, and differences in sexual orientation.”


As followers of Christ we should live peacefully with others who do not share our values or accept the teachings upon which they are based.


Even as we seek to be meek and to avoid contention, we must not compromise or dilute our commitment to the truths we understand. We must not surrender our positions or our values. The gospel of Jesus Christ and the covenants we have made inevitably cast us as combatants in the eternal contest between truth and error. There is no middle ground in that contest.


When we understand people and their conditions and circumstances, we tend to act in love toward them. We tend to embrace them according to their needs. We should strive always to minister to people according to the circumstances in which they are living. To do this as the Savior would, we have to understand their challenges and their difficulties.


NEVER GIVE UP on being made whole! 


What do we provide?

Each group is comprised of twelve(or so) adults with similar interests. Each group meets monthly for good food and fellowship. There is a dinner group for you!


• A period of support and assessment to determine long term needs. 

• Support during the period of crisis or illness 

• Assistance to new conversational in developing skills 

• Support to parents as appropriate 

• Practical support to young people as appropriate

• Support to clients careers as appropriate 

This projective does offer a better start in life, by providing a more and better opportunity for learning and development.


Support for youth at risk

We provide positive role modeling, groups and classes discussing necessary issues confronting our youth challenges of today.


Food and Clothing

We assist with food and donated clothing


Men/Women Support Groups

These groups are created to provide a support system for men / women to create strength to overcome barriers.


Mentoring Program

This program provide real life mentoring from people that has survived the adversity of our community to become the role model needed today.


Life Skills Coach

We coach and educate in the area of basic life skills. The lack of can create large barriers.


- Seeking to restore Christian values

- Christian issues and struggles around the world

- Safeguard the social, religious and political rights of Christians

- Provide church's educational, outreach, music, and fellowship programs

- Provide Christian prayer ministry

- Community Enforcement

- Advisory Conference 

- Together with other groups, the teams work to serve people in need.

Team Captain Member

Board of Trustee Member

Teachers, Trainers and Counselors         

Christian Social Group Club Volunteer’s

• Outreach’s & Community Representatives

• Promotional Representatives

 Development Council Team


► Tiny Tot’s 0-5, Youth 6- 8 Young Adolescents 9-12 Teens 13-17


This active group of young people meet in a safe place to access cognitive & development abilities information, have fun, enjoy snacks, drinks, roundtable forums and talk with someone in confidence.


 Fun and Inspirational Church Youth Group Activities

► This group of college-age (18-24) young adults meets for fellowship and to plan social outings and service activities.


► This group of young adults in their 20s and 30s meet weekly for Bible study and fellowship. They also regularly plan outside social gatherings. All young adults are invited to join in the fun.


► A fellowship group (ages 40 and up) that meets monthly for social outings and activities.


A fellowship group (middle age and up ages of 48 and older of couples and singles that meet each month for social outings and activities.

 This active group of senior citizens meets for fellowship, games, potlucks, programs, and outings

► Dinner Groups provide the ideal setting for meeting people and developing strong friendships.

► The Support Coordination includes:

• ASSESSING the needs, wishes, and desired outcomes of each individual

• DEVELOPING an Individual Support Plan (ISP) with the assistance of the individual, their family, and those identified as part of the team

• LOCATING the supports and services identified in the ISP so as to meet the needs of the individual and their family

• LINKING the consumer and family with service providers and generic community resources

• COORDINATING the identified supports and services as requested by the individual and their family

• MONITORING supports and services to assure that the ISP is implemented, that the ISP continues to meet the needs and desires of the individual, and that the health and safety of the individual is assured

• MAINTAINING eligibility information and assisting individuals to apply for assistance for which they are eligible

• ADVOCATING for needed supports and services not readily available to the individual


 Our ministry enjoy inexpensive activities like:

Fun and Inspirational Adults/Youth Group Activities, Christian Group Activities and much more

Movie nights              BBQs & social events

Camps                           Drama & music classes

Concerts & sing-a-longs

Dance & aerobics classes 

Teen group holding Bible

Every youth leader needs a bevy of Christian games and activities on hand for youth group. Keeping a 'stock' of youth group ideas to use in a pinch will prove to be a lifesaver. Design your activities with your group members' ages in mind, and the kids will have fun no matter how silly or serious the activities are.


► Christian Social Group Club 

 Family Counseling Workshop 


Workshop for children, teens, adults, and families in our community.

Workshop (60-90 minutes) 


● Belonging (Social, Engagement) program 

● Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion program 

● Mental Health Awareness and Safety program 

Wellness program 


► Support groups; Cognitive Program 

 ● Cognitive & Development Abilities

Saturday Daily activities

 Cognitive Program Developing  Group

Group . What’s your thing? Keeping a Journal? Fiction? Short Stories? Your Life Story? get your thoughts on paper

 Bar-B-Que, Cards, Movies, Outdoor Games

 Book Club                    


Sunday Daily activities

 Promoting relaxation and circulation, increasing flexibility, and reducing stress

 BINGO games