Ministry Equipping for Eternity, Spiritual Warfare and Prosperity
"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. A Christian has a hope beyond the earthly life, and the Scriptures make it abundantly clear why it is not wise to get too wrapped up and too much in love with the things of this world. "Set your affections on heavenly things.” (Colossians 3:2)
Prayer is letting a willing mind be in you to be Christ like 2 Corinthians 8:12 For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. Focusing on God and His resources for us "His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness" God gave you a brain and the capability to make decisions. God expects you to make decisions. God could tell you what to do moment-by-moment throughout the day. But that's not the type of relationship he wants with you. He takes care of our physical needs. God promises to provide what we need (Philippians 4:19, Matthew 6:31-32). He created the universe and gives food to every living thing — including you and me. The same God who provides food for the animals will not allow us to go without (Psalm 145:15-16, Luke 12:24-26). God's resources we can invest them all in ourselves and use them on things that only matter to us. But God is trusting us to do much more than that. As stewards, our challenge is to use God's resources in ways that advance his interests. We need to invest them in kingdom causes and use them to provide for the needs of others. God wants us to give with a willing heart. "Each one must do as he or she has made up his or her mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." Having “a willing mind” connects giving our best effort and finest thinking and seeking God's wisdom. The reasons God gives us resources such as finances, time, talents, culinary skills, musical ability and spiritual gifts for our good and encouragement.
Christ-Centered School Of Healing Registration Required
A Deeper Look at Healing
God is already doing healing in our lives.
Praying for Healing & Sickness
God designed us to be whole people—body, soul and spirit. And God cares about the totality of who we are, not just our spiritual side. He is the one who gave us bodies, after all, and all he made he declared to be good (Genesis 1:31). The health of our bodies matters to him; he knows and cares when we’re sick.
Obviously, sickness can have physical causes that require physical treatment—broken arms, infections, disorders. But lifestyle (what and how much we put into our bodies, the amount of exercise we get, where we live, etc.) can also affect health. So can emotional factors like stress at work or in our relationships.
There is s special anointing on this series of teachings that will produce revelation knowledge and faith for healing by the power of God.” James 5:13 - "The Prayer Offered in Faith Will Make the Sick Person Well"
Healing Begins Here
1. Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ
2. Understanding Divine Healing
3. Angels and Healing
4. Study time Healing
5. Healing the wounded spirit
6. Healing Oracles
7. Healing Crystals
8. Healing Power of God's Love
9. Healing add more value
10. Christian Angelic system
11. Spiritual Healing Affirmation
12. Healing Treatment for the Whole Body
13. The Way Healing Mind Body Spirit
14. Our Healing Name Book
15. Sermons on Healing
16. Healing Prayers
17. Healing Prayer Key Ring
18. Healing Clinic
This scripture can be applied to believers regarding any bible subject that they “do not understand.” What must change is what we “hear, see and understand with our hearts regarding divine healing” so that any time we “turn” or “convert” our believing to line up with God’s Word, healing will follow. The Complete School of Healing can produce this result in the life of anyone who will diligently study and apply what is being understood. It is the “doers of the Word that receive the blessing”( James 1:22), that is, any blessing promised in scripture.
Healing/Counselor Certificate Program
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As a Pastor’s Wife I accept "MANTLE AND ANOINTING" Link ►
The main area of responsibility for any wife is to support and be submissive to her husband (Ephesians 5:22-24). However, if the Lord calls a man into the ministry, He calls the whole man, and that includes the man's wife and his family.
A pastor’s wife provides a sounding board for her husband to vent, brainstorm, and question his progress or goals, yet encouraging and steadfast to support the vision that God has given to them. She is often a nurse, healing emotional wounds that seem to cause many pastors to give up. She is a counselor that helps her husband to work out difficulties that are too close for him to see. She is a lover and protector to shield him from harm and to provide the loving care that is so vitally needed, especially when one feels they are in a lonely profession. Many pastors do not have close friends with whom they can vent or share their problems. A pastor’s wife provides that companionship that encourages him to continue even when he feels like giving up.
Equally Encouraging and Supporting the Called to Ministry to uphold the truth and share the word of God.
A loving and supporting companion
Glad to be on God’s green earth. As with many good women my legacy will survive in the minds and hearts of those I've touched, rather than in books, honours and monuments.
I feel proud, yet modest. I'm kind, yet meek. Standing firm on godly ground one that had no greedy plan. Knowing wealth has no true worth. I live as a humble woman clothed with God’s grace always content, peaceful and patient in this life with every effort to be humble and gentle in my dealing with mankind.
I'm here as a instrument to bless, teach, guide, and comfort all who have come to the Ministry.
God’s Word saved, anointed and is my inspiration. It is my desire to be a blessing to all who comes in contact with me, especially by teaching God’s Word.
Scripture shows us plainly that God has never looked for perfect people. He is simply looking for us to be faithful. As women, we think about beauty, money, children, spouse, and power, among others. We aspire to be the perfect woman.
As a result, women, tend to become very competitive. We should try looking to Him and living by His idea of perfection. There are no perfect women in the Bible, yet through their imperfections, God used them to fulfill His purpose. Don’t be burdened with the world’s ideals of being perfect because in truth, the perfect woman is perfectly imperfect.
I have often sensed of His great love for us through the beauties of nature, and this brings me a greater appreciation of Him. I have felt the Spirit witnessing to me as I have fasted and prayed and received answers to those prayers, knowing that Jesus Christ is the mediator between Heavenly Father and us.The Lord has shown me my intellectual abilities and has given me self-control, but most of all, He has shown me grace…His undying grace.
I understand Christian education is not for everyone, but for me, it was very helpful in my walk with God. “My husband and I believe that the most important part of our Christian education is knowing the love of Christ and the mercy and grace of our Savior.
Now Paul the apostle speaks of that which motivated him, he said, "For the love of Christ constrains me" ( 2 Corinthians 5:14 ). And really love is the greatest motivator for Christian service and the only valid motivator for Christian service.
I want to thank God for opening up the door to "Success and Deliverance Evangelical Ministry" A PLACE OF HOPE, HEALING, WHOLENESS & SERVICE WITH A WILLING SPIRIT
We invite you to share with us a celebration of love.
I love With the Love of GOD. O. W.
Now we commit our way to the Lord, we trust in Him and He will do it Ps. 37:5 Lord we glorify you!
In Jesus Name we anoint our “lips” we will speak the Words of God Lord we glorify you!
In Jesus Name we anoint our “ears” we will hear the voice of God and follow His direction Lord we glorify you!
In Jesus Name we anoint our “forehead” we will think the thoughts of God; Lord we glorify you!
Let the Holy Spirit free us from all fear and anxiety in Jesus Name. Lord we glorify you!
In Jesus Name we anoint the soles of our feet Lord we glorify you! IN JESUS NAME OUR FOOTSTEPS ARE ORDERED OF THE LORD. We Act on faith TO RECEIVE our Supernatural Miracles, Love, Wealth, Happiness and good Health in Jesus Name. Lord we glorify you! Lord we glorify you! In Jesus Name, WE anoint OUR right and left hand for power, blessing and strength, thank God. Lord we glorify you!