Success And Deliverance Evangelical Ministry 

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Given to the church “Deliverance”

Our discussion FOR THE MONTH January Protecting Your Mind 


Only the Holy Spirit can see the unseen spirit world around us. The Holy Spirit is the helmet of salvation that protects our minds. We need the Holy Spirit to help us recognize thoughts of temptation and deception. You walk by the Spirit and bear the fruit of the Spirit. 


when the Holy Spirit to guide our life, the natural result is the manifestation of positive character traits like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


when the Holy Spirit to guide our life we grow in your knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.


 when the Holy Spirit to guide our life we can take every thought captive to obey Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5-6 KJV

casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.


Some ways to apply this verse to your life include:

Submit your thoughts: Submit your thoughts, ideas, and feelings about God and life to scrutiny. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to work: Expose yourself to the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Release your thoughts: Write, shout, or cry out your thoughts to God and ask what he would have you believe instead. 


"Holy Spirit, I humbly ask you to come and work in my life right now. Fill me with your presence, guide my thoughts and actions, and empower me to live according to God's will. Reveal your truth to me and use me as an instrument of your love in the world today.




Given to the church “Deliverance” BLESSING OTHERS AND BEING BLESSED


God is omnipotent, which means all-powerful! That’s why Jesus said, "With God all things are possible!" God is also omnipresent, which means His Presence—in the Person of the Holy Spirit—is EVERYWHERE! 

 Mount Zion Interfaith International Mission

Promote Growth, Development, and Prosperity

The assembly of the first born, Mt. Zion, the city of God, the congregation

of those whose names are registered in heaven. Hebrews 12:23

The fire of the Holy Ghost has everything needed to destroy the works of the adversary; the Holy Spirit is the primary agent in the sanctification of the people of God 


MT ZION TEMPLEWORLD OUTREACH SEMINAR & CONFERENCES · Promote Growth, Development, and Prosperity

Mt. Zion Circle Temple

The Mt Zion Temple of Prayer primary mission is to offer Christian Services through answers to their everyday challenges and problems. We’re here to serve you and our savior Jesus Christ! We send out ·  devotionals, ·  testimonies, · poems, · encouragements, · scripture of the week, and most important · PRAISE REPORTS!!!!


The Prayer Network connects people who are enlightened in the power of prayer.

Population(s) Served K-12 (5-19 years) Adults


Our ministry ordination certificate are (bachelors, masters, doctorates) in theology, pastoral counseling, Christian education teachers for those who want to teach in Christian church or start their own ministry,  women's theology/spirituality studies and Christian training and development for those individuals and families who want to start a home prayer group. We also teach arts & crafts, cooking, sewing, and natural earth  science and creative parenting through family network.

You can learn in a small classroom setting, small church groups, an individually designed program or by correspondence courses. Our class fees are nominal donations.




 A CLOSER LOOK AT SPIRITUALITY, spirituality can be defined as where or how we find the meaning of life, this teaching will identify the importance of God & Jesus’s spirituality in our lives and will help us to gain freedom from negative pitfalls, anger, resentment, and blame, by taking our spiritual intent. We will learn balance through using scripture, Journaling, prayer, and meditation for God’s spiritual Wholisitic living.


THE GUIDE TO HEALING AND GROWTH, a spiritual introduction to discuss obstacles that prevent healing and growth, this workshop will provide a guided process for opening the mind, body and soul to Godly perception and depth, looking inward to discover our true inner spirit. It also gives us Godly guidance and allows our soul to heal.

HEALING THE WOUNDED SPIRIT, in this teaching or workshop, participants are taught wisdom and knowledge techniques for healing. Participants will be allowed to explore ideas, practices, family stories, cultural superstitions, experiences, and traditions. The teaching will allow them to restore their life to wholeness, wisdom and obtain personal growth, spiritual growth, and personal power.  


For the convenience of those who are seeking help: The purpose of this ministry is to help persons into freedom through healing/deliverance prayer.


We offer Christian Services through answers to everyday challenges and problems.


It has been said that one of the worst things that can happen to you is that you are successful before you are ready to be successful. 


Mount Zion Interfaith International Mission

Advisor Committee Member

Team Captain Member

Board of Trustee Member

Membership & Community Volunteer’s


This ministry is not a substitute for medical or psychological care. We do not advise anyone to stop taking prescribed medicine or to forgo medical or psychological care. WE provide Godly counseling, deliverance, prayer and teaching.


Our ministry is not for Christians alone but also for non-Christians also. Everyone hurting and in need of help is welcomed to contact us


Given to the church “Deliverance” BLESSING OTHERS AND BEING BLESSED

 Deliverance Training School 


Educational Training 



Vision: To equip the saints in the Body of Christ to be balanced in Spiritual Warfare


Mission: To train pastors and lay leaders to obtain biblical knowledge in Spiritual Warfare; to understand the process of deliverance in order to obtain permanent victory for themselves as well as those they minister to.



Deliverance course track is intended for pastors, assistant pastors, church leaders, evangelists, and those who wish to establish a deliverance ministry in their church or as an independent ministry. It is for those who wish to bring this vital information to their church congregations, as well as those who have an informal ministry in their homes. It is for those upon whom God has laid a burden for those who need to be set free from darkness



Equip members of the body of Christ with the understanding and spiritual tools necessary to become effective deliverance ministers.

  • Provide a balanced and acceptable process for praying for those in need of deliverance from darkness, focusing on love and compassion and the worth of persons who come for ministry.
  • Provide a solid biblical theology for the authority, ministry and practice of deliverance.
  • Help establish healing ministry teams in local churches including deliverance ministry teams.
  • Foster the inclusion of preaching and teaching about all forms of healing ministry in local churches.

You will learn about: How Believers are Empowered and Increase Discernment.


It has been said that one of the worst things that can happen to you is that you are successful before you are ready to be successful. So as we pray that we would be successful, we ask that our character, and the talents that God has instilled in us, both mature and grow together so that we are able to fully enjoy success when it arrives, and not be complicated by it. Success as the bible defines it is not necessarily fame or riches. Rather, it is when we are fully alive, when we are reaching and achieving the potential that God has created us for. 


Everyday, you will enjoy divine health. The purpose of all these information is to enable you to do a self deliverance at home for yourself. The process of self-deliverance is carried out in stages. 


Deliverance as Part of the Therapeutic Process


Why people do not join deliverance ministry


People are compelled or driven to become fearful, unforgiving, alienated, lustful, jealous, angry, bitter, resentful, depressed, suicidal etc. 


People feel that these drives are often almost impossible to control. 


Failure to have victory over their emotions and behavior can result in a sense of personal defeat and failure. 


Deliverance is one tool given to the church to assist us in joining with Christ to "proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." (Luke 4:18-19 NIV)


Come and receive special advanced training to become God’s special deliverer. At the end of this training, hands will be laid on those students that complete the course to impart the triple anointing and receive mantles from Success And Deliverance Evangelical Ministry.
Deliverance School Traning Enrollment Fo
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Given to the church “Deliverance”

So why do many people (including Christians) still struggle with depression, fear, broken relationships, poverty, sickness, etc.?


There are many reasons - listed below are a few of them:  

• because they don't realize it's not always "just the flesh" they are battling against.  

• because they are living under a spiritual stronghold and may not even know it.  

• because they try to treat the surface symptoms rather than get to the root of the problem. (Surface symptoms will keep coming back!)  

• because they don't recognize the strongholds. 

• because many don't realize the authority they were given when they became a "born-again believer"!  

• because they don't know about or use their weapons of spiritual warfare.  

 You cannot be delivered from "the flesh", but you can be delivered from entrenched strongholds!  2 Corinthians 10:4 says, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds."  And that's what we do through the book we have written and the conferences we give. 



Register for a deliverance seminar/session


1. Are you suffering? And 

2. Do you want to be free from this suffering? 


Are you a Born Again Christian but vexed with:

mental, emotional, or behavioral problems despite all your spiritual pursuits and best efforts at overcoming them?


Are you sometimes overcome with such things as:

anger, rage, hatred, self-hatred, bitterness, resentment, jealousy, vengefulness, despair, despondency, discouragement, defeat, guilt, shame, condemnation, chronic depression, suicidal or self-destructive thoughts, or debilitating fears or phobias?


Are you bound and controlled by:

compulsions, addictions, obsessions, or perversions, in your life?


If your answer is affirmative to both questions, we embrace you, and then our Spiritual Counseling can help you. Proceed with an open ended discussion… A DELIVERANCE PRAYER AND FOLLOWUP IS QUESTIONABLE AT THIS POINT …. FOR THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND 


Our counseling and deliverance services are available to you in two forms, both by appointment:

In person office sessions: 1-hour sessions

Initial 1/2-Hour consultation: (Preferred and most effective method, especially when deliverance is involved.)


Nature of Counseling: Each appointment is 45 to 50 minutes. We do brief counseling, which may be 6 to 12 sessions; however some cases may last longer. Prophetic Word: As the Lord directs and leads, counsel will seek the Lord for a prophetic word for your life or a prophetic healing.


Arrange to set your appointment.


Further information will be given you when you complete the form on this page below. 


PRAYER: God thank you for everything that you have done for us; All the financial assistance, divine intervention, and miracles in the area of getting money enabling us to live comfortably and provide for our FAMILY. Lord we glorify you!


Heavenly Father we pray for finances to overflow for our daily living to repay our debts, help the less privileged and be able to survive. Lord Jesus we only trust you for a big financial breakthrough and favour in your sight. Lord we glorify you! We bind our financial difficulties on earth AND THEY ARE bound in heaven: and we loose miracle health AND miracle wealth manifestation FOR US on earth. Heavenly Father we set ourselves in total agreement IN THE NAME OF the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit THROUGH THE POWER OF THE WHOLE WORD GOD. God is the source of our prosperity, He is Jehovah- “El Shaddai” the God of more then enough AMEN. Lord we glorify you! Exodus 6:1-9