Your Money, Your Life, Your Future
What does money mean to you?
Seems like a simple question, doesn’t it? But if you really stop and think about it, it may be difficult for you to come up with an immediate answer. Money means different things to all of us; that’s why we each have unique financial goals related to our wants, needs and values.
For some, money means security. For others, it’s about freedom or success. Before you can learn how to manage your money, you must learn what money means to you. Spend some time thinking about your money values. Ask yourself the following questions to determine your money values and learn how they shape your spending and saving priorities.
How did you view money growing up?
Did your parents ever talk to you about money?
Have you ever felt richer or poorer than your friends? How did that make you feel?
How were your parents at handling money?
Do you consider yourself a spender or a saver? Why?
What’s your charitable-giving philosophy?
Financially speaking, where do you see yourself in five to 10 years?
Are you willing to live below your means for a while in order to have something better later in life?
Pocket Money Investment
Has believer we are given powerful Knowledge of God. “Knowledge is power” a cognitive, conscious awareness of something.
“And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
Deuteronomy 8:18
The divine power that leads to godliness is given through the knowledge of God. Is. 48:17 Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.
1. POWER TO REVEAL GENESIS 1-2 The word of God has the power to reveal to us certain things that we could not know in any other way.
2. POWER TO REFUTE 2 TIMOTHY 3:16 If God's word approves it, we can run with it; if the Word rejects it, nothing we can do will make it work, make it acceptable, or make it right.
3. POWER TO REPRODUCE LUKE 8:11 Jesus said that the word of God was like a seed. The analogy was that the Word had the power to grow or cause growth to happen.
4. THE POWER TO RE-DIRECT 1 PETER 2:25 God's word has the power to transform and redirect our lives.
5. THE POWER TO REVIVE PSALMS 138:7 The psalmist says, "In the midst of trouble, You will revive me." The word of God is able to bring comfort and hope, as well as strength and encouragement
6. THE POWER TO REWARD HEBREWS 11:6 The Word, however, reveals who God is, what He desires, and what He is preparing to give to those who believe and obey Him. Only the word of God has the power to prepare us for a world we cannot see and hardly imagine When we experience its power, we are experiencing God's power.
God will bring us a harvest, if we will be full of faith and faithfulness in our sowing for His harvest. God is the source of our prosperity. He is the God of more then enough. The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine” declares the LORD of hosts (Haggai 2:8).
Proverbs 10:22 “The blessing of the Lord brings wealth... Deuteronomy 8:18 But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
Investment Program
God is the perfect partner in any investment program. It is He who supplies all the seed to be planted. We plant it, He multiplies it. So, any investment program ought to be based around multiplying assets that God supplies and returning the bulk of the crop, as pointed out in the parable of the stewards in Luke 19:12-24. The seeds that we retain then bring in a greater harvest the next time. As we show our faithfulness, He will give us even more. Our responsibility is to return it to His work.
If we want to avoid becoming enmeshed in materialism, we not only need to cultivate a lifestyle of spiritual growth and ministry; we also need to cultivate a godly manner of dealing with our money and material possessions. The Bible describes this as a habit of consistent, sacrificial financial giving to God's work.
►2 Cor. 8:7* - Consistent, sacrificial giving is a non-optional component of spiritual vitality and maturity. We cannot be true disciples of Christ without this.
►2 Cor. 9:6-11** - God blesses bountiful financial giving in a variety of ways.
►1 Cor. 16:2* - Our financial giving should be regular and consistent.
►Spiritual Ways of Attracting Money
The powerful steps. Here are some of the important spiritual steps to attract money. ...
#1 Gratitude
#2 Set Your Intention, Focus and Pay Attention
#3 Let the Money Flow
#4 Appreciate Your Service Providers and Pay Them in Time
#5 Be Generous and Help Others
#6 Receive Graciously
#7 Seek Divine Help
Praying Scripture not only has the power to change our hearts and minds; it also has the power to change things around us.
Ecclesiastes 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.
God is the primary, ultimate source of everything we are and have; our abilities, skills, health, and possessions. Even our ability to give generously comes from God (Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Corinthians 9:10-11).
I confess that I healed and whole. I flourish am long lived, stable, durable, incorruptible, fruitful, virtuous, full of peace, patience and love. Whatsoever I set my hands to do shall prosper for God supplies all my needs.
God will bless our life with MIRACULOUS FAVOR, INCREDIBLE BLESSING, and LAVISH PROSPERITY. Lord we glorify you!
“We do release our faith in God through this act of faith and claim, yes; we stake our claim on HIS SUPERNATURAL HARVEST of ABUNDANT FINANCIAL PROSPERITY blessing, In Jesus ‘Name!” Thank God. Lord we glorify you!
Greatness is not measured by money or stature it is measured by courage and heart
Money can buy lots of things, but there are some things money can’t buy.
1. Money can buy medicine, but it can’t buy health.
2. Money can buy a bigger house, but it can’t buy a home.
3. Money can buy acquaintances who will be happy to partake of your largess, but not friends who will stick by you through thick and thin.
4. Money can buy adulation but not respect.
5. Money can buy companionship (and sex), but not love.
6. Money can buy a position, but not the satisfaction of knowing that your hard work payed off, and that you’ve earned every promotion you’ve gotten.
7. Money can buy books, but it can’t buy knowledge, wisdom, and experience.
8. Money can buy a life of leisure, but it can’t buy purpose, passion, or meaning.
9. Money can buy the latest gadgets and the coolest toys for your children, but it can’t buy well-adjusted kids.
10. Money can buy someone’s services, but it can’t buy their loyalty.
11. Money can buy thrills and distractions, but it can’t buy serenity and inner peace.
12. Money can buy the trappings of high society, but it can’t buy character, integrity, morals, or class.
13. Money can buy flattery, but not self-esteem.
14. Money can buy the appearance of a happy life, but it can’t buy true happiness.
15. Money can buy material goods, but it can’t buy appreciation for the simple things.
16. Money can buy extravagant vacations to exotic places, but it can’t buy a close-knit family.
17. Money can buy designer clothes and make-up, but it can’t buy inner beauty.
18. Money can buy gifts for your significant other, but it can’t buy the intimacy that comes from getting to know someone really well, and being with someone who truly listens to you and understands you.
19. Money can buy jewelry, but it can’t buy self-love.
20. Money can buy solutions to problems, but money can’t buy the confidence that comes from mastering a new skill, or overcoming a challenge.
21. Money can buy tickets to expensive charity events, but it can’t buy the feeling that you get when you go out of your way to lend someone a helping hand, or make someone’s day a little brighter.
22. Money can buy expensive watches, but it can’t buy time.
23. Money can buy fancy $100-per-place-setting china, as well as etiquette lessons so you know which fork to use when, but it can’t buy manners, civility, and decency.
24. Money can buy experiences, but it can’t buy the mindfulness that is necessary so that you can be present, and enjoy whatever it is that you’re doing in the moment.
25. Money can buy big television sets and fast cars, but it can’t buy the well-being that comes from being able to manage and control your emotions.
When faced with a big task, solitude in Jehovah is where our reservoir of faith gets refilled!
My Child Pray On: We Now Pray
► Jehovah - Elohim The Lord Our Eternal Creator – that our religion have room for others and their needs.
► Adonai - Jehovah The Lord Our Sovereign Master - that we demonstrate a positive relationship with others in our daily living.
► Jehovah - Jireh The Lord Our Provider - that our interest and pursuits are in both spiritual and earthly things.
► Jehovah - Nissi The Lord Our Banner – that we who bear your name to be holy.
► Jehovah - Ropheka The Lord Our Healer – that we be willing and accept your righteous
reign in our life.
► Jehovah - Shalom The Lord Our Peace – that we be willing to give up our sovereignty and accept your righteous reign in our living daily.
► Jehovah - Tsidkeenu The Lord Our Righteousness – that we be truly ready to give ourselves
to your service here and now.
► Jehovah - Mekaddishkem The Lord Our Sanctifier – that we be willing to give honest effort to
seek our needs and give to the genuine needs of others.
► Jehovah - Saboath The Lord Our Host – that we do not harbor grudges against anyone.
► Jehovah - Shammah The Lord Our Present – that we choose not to remain in a situation
where we are likely to be tempted.
► Jehovah - Elyon The Lord Our Most High – that we are prepared to fight in the spiritual
realm with the weapon of prayer.
► Jehovah - Rohi The Lord Our Shepherd – that we give you the disciplined obedience of a loyal subject.
► Jehovah - Hoseenu The Lord Our Maker – that we do not fear what our neighbors and friends may say and do.
► Jehovah - Eloheenu The Lord Our God – that we seek your glory first.
► Jehovah – Eloheka The Lord Our Thy God – that we are not anxious about each days events.
► Jehovah - Elohay The Lord Our My God – that we can honestly say cost what it may “this is my prayer”